Private Cloud Infrastructure
Unlike public clouds, which deliver services to multiple organizations, a private cloud is dedicated to the needs and goals of a single organization.
Private cloud infrastructure refers to the physical or hardware-based resources and components that comprise a data center at your premise. We can create a design plan that includes a complete listing of necessary infrastructure components as well as needed core software elements used to create your own private cloud. Beside design we offer comprehensive set of services for quick deployment, implementation and automation as well as post service, maintenance activities.
Private Cloud Infrastructure
Unlike public clouds, which deliver services to multiple organizations, a private cloud is dedicated to the needs and goals of a single organization.
Private cloud infrastructure refers to the physical or hardware-based resources and components that comprise a data center at your premise. We can create a design plan that includes a complete listing of necessary infrastructure components as well as needed core software elements used to create your own private cloud. Beside design we offer comprehensive set of services for quick deployment, implementation and automation as well as post service, maintenance activities.
Storage Network Infrastructure
Increase performance,reduce latency and maintenance costs by investing in modernization of your storage network infrastructure. We can provide scalable, easy to manage end-to-end connectivity solutions for all-flash, NVMe or traditional hybrid storage.
Backup and Archiving
There are many reasons why backing up archiving data is essential. In todays world information is everything. We must protect it and keep it for a long period of time. We are offering wide variety of backup and archiving end-to-end solutions whether your data is on premise or in the cloud.
Enterprise Mobility
Mobile devices and mobile workforce have become de-facto standard today. Access to your data and applications from everywhere and anytime is must. With growing number of users management of resources and security become burden for administration. Enterprise mobility is important because it gives employees flexibility and choice, which can improve job satisfaction and increase productivity. We can offer solutions which will help organization to overcome any challenges in Enterprise Mobility management.
Software Defined Solutions
Silo organized infrastructure has put a lot of stress on IT. Closed, proprietary solutions with long deployment cycles and expensive maintenance and upgrades are thing of the past. By separating needed functions from underlying HW we can become free in many respects while achieving incredible efficiencies and economies of scale unimaginable years ago. We can help you drive your IT future in this software defined world.
Storage Network Infrastructure
Increase performance,reduce latency and maintenance costs by investing in modernization of your storage network infrastructure. We can provide scalable, easy to manage end-to-end connectivity solutions for all-flash, NVMe or traditional hybrid storage.
Backup and Archiving
There are many reasons why backing up archiving data is essential. In todays world information is everything. We must protect it and keep it for a long period of time. We are offering wide variety of backup and archiving end-to-end solutions whether your data is on premise or in the cloud.
Enterprise Mobility
Mobile devices and mobile workforce have become de-facto standard today. Access to your data and applications from everywhere and anytime is must. With growing number of users management of resources and security become burden for administration. Enterprise mobility is important because it gives employees flexibility and choice, which can improve job satisfaction and increase productivity. We can offer solutions which will help organization to overcome any challenges in Enterprise Mobility management.
Software Defined Solutions
Silo organized infrastructure has put a lot of stress on IT. Closed, proprietary solutions with long deployment cycles and expensive maintenance and upgrades are thing of the past. By separating needed functions from underlying HW we can become free in many respects while achieving incredible efficiencies and economies of scale unimaginable years ago. We can help you drive your IT future in this software defined world.
Rack, Tower, Blade, Composable Server Solutions
Hybrid and All Flash DAS, NAS, SAN storage, ObjectSTORAGE
Integrated Solutions for IaaSCONVERGED
HCI as building block for Private CloudHYPERCONVERGED
Vendor and opensource oriented virtualization SolutionsHETEROGENEOUS
Vendor and opensource oriented operating systemsOPERATING
Oracle based systems for dedicated type of workloads and applicationsENGINEERED
Software based automation for quick, easy and low cost infrastructure maintenance and deployment