Managed Services
The Managed Services sector provides users with services that enable greater flexibility in their work as well as improvement of their IT operations. Why is the Managed IT model the right solution? Compared to the traditional business model, switching to a Managed model implies a reduction in investment and operational costs, an increase in the quality of IT services, and increased flexibility in business management.
Managed Services
The Managed Services sector provides users with services that enable greater flexibility in their work as well as improvement of their IT operations. Why is the Managed IT model the right solution? Compared to the traditional business model, switching to a Managed model implies a reduction in investment and operational costs, an increase in the quality of IT services, and increased flexibility in business management.

Managed Network Operations Center (mNOC) – The Customer Infrastructure Monitoring Center provides support 24 hours, 7 days a week throughout the year. Our employees respond to alerts and client’s problems and quickly provide answers to all questions and concerns. Standard services in our offer:
Have a detailed insight into the state of the infrastructure - mNOC provides coverage of all services in the infrastructure (network, datacenter, applications, desktop ..)
Detect the problem before it arises - mNOC provides extremely strict SLA levels for detection, recognition, and notification.
Discover the error before it happens – With proactive monitoring mNOC can detect potential infrastructure problems before an unwanted event/incidentPERFORMANCE CONTROL
Identify bottlenecks - mNOC recognizes bottlenecks in the infrastructure that slow down standard business processes and affect its normal operation
Optimize Infrastructure - Instead of investing in infrastructure capacity, with mNOC you can optimize existing infrastructure by providing adequate performance where and when you need itROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS - If your system and business applications experience slow performance or have communication problems, the analysis of the cause determines the source of the problem so they do not repeat themselves. That way, we provide an efficient insight into the consolidated service status and service performance.
In today's market conditions, IT Security can not only be one of the IT functions, but a key element for a balanced and secure business. SOC allows you to make the basic operational step to increase system security, achieve a high degree of visibility of the entire system and thereby reduce the risks arising from operations. In addition to actively monitoring system operation, through this function Saga provides filtering, finding correlation and focusing on real incidents. Saga’s SOC service adapts to the specifics of each environment and each organization. Our team of security experts actively works with each user to properly analyze their requirements and ensure full coverage of all security aspects of the system.
Investment in IT infrastructure and its maintenance is often a big budgetary item for each company. Proportionate to the size of the company, the need for investing in its infrastructure grows. The life cycle of the datacenter equipment, and therefore the investment cycle is repeated every few years. New technologies are emerging and new opportunities for business improvement as well. For all that additional resources are needed, but also knowledge and people.
With SAGA Managed IT Infrastructure Services you can easily respond to the upgrade challenges:• OUTSOURCING - Pay for equipment during the exploitation period, with the provision of maintenance, administration and guaranteed service level (SLA)
• KNOWLEDGE AND HUMANITY - With over 60 employees from various IT operations areas with more than 300 certifications, our engineers will, with the use of all necessary knowledge, manage your IT infrastructure in a way that suits your business needs.MANAGED IT OPERATIONS
Fast technological innovations are an integral part of the business for companies of different profiles, sizes and industries. In order to be competitive, among other things, your business needs to be supported by flexible IT operations. One of the most obvious changes that needs to be adjusted to is digitization. Without the right answer to this challenge, you will remain out of the market and therefore you will be deprived of all available opportunities to further improve and develop your business. Can you be transferred to the digital world by yourself?
The time when computers were the main tool of business communication and work in general is behind us for a long time. Mobile phones, tablets and digital clocks are devices that represent the standard of every corporate network today. Communication by mobile devices has long taken over the lead from traditional channels such as computers and fixed telephony. Mobile Device Management provides complete management of mobile devices and the network they use, easy and secure access to the system regardless of where are your employees.
How old are your computers and laptops? Are they under warranty? Is your software licensed on all devices? How much do you spend on computers, monitors, mice, keyboards, printers, phones ...?
To be functional, every workplace must be adequately equipped. Investing in equipment is a cost necessary for enabling every new employee to give his best in performing assigned assignments. Equipping a workplace can sometimes be a task that takes time your existing IT staff can use for other, more important functions.SMALL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS
Every small company works with the goal of progressing and growing. To do this, besides desire, work and motivation, certain investments are necessary as well. Saga's solutions provide the opportunity for small companies to provide the entire infrastructure, with a complete administration and maintenance service, according to the outsourcing principle, with a monthly payment only for devices they use, in amounts corresponding to the scope of use.
Get rid of the accompanying problems, focus on growth.DIGITAL SIGNAGE
Digital signage is a new type of communication that provides the opportunity to place information at the right place at the right time. In this way, it is possible to transfer your message to a large number of people who will come into contact with the network of screens set in different places. The use of digital signage is greatest in:
• Shopping centers, retail facilities, supermarkets
• Medical and health institutions, health centers, hospitals
• Airports, railway and bus stations, ports
• Corporate buildings and offices
• Sports and recreational facilities
• Public areas, parks
• Traffic managementGEOLOCATION SERVICES (G#)
Managed Network Operations Center (mNOC) – The Customer Infrastructure Monitoring Center provides support 24 hours, 7 days a week throughout the year. Our employees respond to alerts and client’s problems and quickly provide answers to all questions and concerns. Standard services in our offer:
Have a detailed insight into the state of the infrastructure - mNOC provides coverage of all services in the infrastructure (network, datacenter, applications, desktop ..)
Detect the problem before it arises - mNOC provides extremely strikt SLA levels for detection, recognition and notification.
Discover the error before it happens – With proactive monitoring mNOC can detect potential infrastructure problems before an unwanted event/incident
Identify bottlenecks - mNOC recognizes bottlenecks in the infrastructure that slow down standard business processes and affect its normal operation
Optimize Infrastructure - Instead of investing in infrastructure capacity, with mNOC you can optimize existing infrastructure by providing adequate performance where and when you need itROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS - If your system and business applications experience slow performance or have communication problems, the analysis of the cause determines the source of the problem so they do not repeat themselves. That way, we provide an efficient insight into the consolidated service status and service performance.
In today's market conditions, IT Security can not only be one of the IT functions, but a key element for a balanced and secure business. SOC allows you to make the basic operational step to increase system security, achieve a high degree of visibility of the entire system and thereby reduce the risks arising from operations. In addition to actively monitoring system operation, through this function Saga provides filtering, finding correlation and focusing on real incidents. Saga’s SOC service adapts to the specifics of each environment and each organization. Our team of security experts actively works with each user to properly analyze their requirements and ensure full coverage of all security aspects of the system.
Investment in IT infrastructure and its maintenance is often a big budgetary item for each company. Proportionate to the size of the company, the need for investing in its infrastructure grows. The life cycle of the datacenter equipment, and therefore the investment cycle is repeated every few years. New technologies are emerging and new opportunities for business improvement as well. For all that additional resources are needed, but also knowledge and people.
With SAGA Managed IT Infrastructure Services you can easily respond to the upgrade challenges:• OUTSOURCING - Pay for equipment during the exploitation period, with the provision of maintenance, administration and guaranteed service level (SLA)
• KNOWLEDGE AND HUMANITY - With over 60 employees from various IT operations areas with more than 300 certifications, our engineers will, with the use of all necessary knowledge, manage your IT infrastructure in a way that suits your business needs.MANAGED IT OPERATIONS
Fast technological innovations are an integral part of the business for companies of different profiles, sizes and industries. In order to be competitive, among other things, your business needs to be supported by flexible IT operations. One of the most obvious changes that needs to be adjusted to is digitization. Without the right answer to this challenge, you will remain out of the market and therefore you will be deprived of all available opportunities to further improve and develop your business. Can you be transferred to the digital world by yourself?
The time when computers were the main tool of business communication and work in general is behind us for a long time. Mobile phones, tablets and digital clocks are devices that represent the standard of every corporate network today. Communication by mobile devices has long taken over the lead from traditional channels such as computers and fixed telephony. Mobile Device Management provides complete management of mobile devices and the network they use, easy and secure access to the system regardless of where are your employees.
How old are your computers and laptops? Are they under warranty? Is your software licensed on all devices? How much do you spend on computers, monitors, mice, keyboards, printers, phones ...?
To be functional, every workplace must be adequately equipped. Investing in equipment is a cost necessary for enabling every new employee to give his best in performing assigned assignments. Equipping a workplace can sometimes be a task that takes time your existing IT staff can use for other, more important functions.SMALL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS
Every small company works with the goal of progressing and growing. To do this, besides desire, work and motivation, certain investments are necessary as well. Saga's solutions provide the opportunity for small companies to provide the entire infrastructure, with a complete administration and maintenance service, according to the outsourcing principle, with a monthly payment only for devices they use, in amounts corresponding to the scope of use.
Get rid of the accompanying problems, focus on growth.
Digital signage is a new type of communication that provides the opportunity to place information at the right place at the right time. In this way, it is possible to transfer your message to a large number of people who will come into contact with the network of screens set in different places. The use of digital signage is greatest in:
Shopping centers, retail facilities, supermarkets
Medical and health institutions, health centers, hospitals
Airports, railway and bus stations, ports
Corporate buildings and offices
Sports and recreational facilities
Public areas, parks
Traffic managementGEOLOCATION SERVICES (G#)
What are the benefits of these services?
For many years now, the global companies have been trying to dedicate themself to what is their core business. Everything beside that, they give over to the companies that are specialized in this job. In such a way, they get greate support, knowledge and expertise as well as extra time and energy that they can invest in the activities that bring them profit.
What are the benefits of these services?
Već dugi niz godina svetske kompanije teže da se posvete samo onome što je njihova osnovna delatnost. Ono što to nije, prepuštaju firmama koje su se za taj posao specijalizovale. Na taj način dobijaju vrhunsku podršku, znanje i stručnost kao i dodatno slobodno vreme i energiju koje mogu da ulože u aktivnosti koje im donose profit.